Dimos Dental & Facial Aesthetics
A Great Dentist

Gummy smile, unattractive old crowns and discoloured teeth and fillings.

This patient arrived at Dimos Dental and Facial Aesthetics with a gummy smile, old dental crowns, and discoloured dental fillings. The team at our dental clinic provided this patient with “All-On-4” ceramic dental  implants used for the upper arch rehabilitation. Additionally, porcelain bridgework was also used to give this patient an even bite and smile for ultimate comfort and confidence. If you would like to learn more about any of these cosmetic dentistry services we recommend giving our dental clinic in Melbourne a call.

Service Performed By:

Dr Christopher Dimos
Close up of patients smile with old dental crowns and fillings at Dimos Dental Melbourne dental patients smile after All-On-Four implants and dental bridgework
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