Dimos Dental & Facial Aesthetics
A Great Dentist

Contact This Location

Mon   8:00AM - 5:00PM
Tue    8:00AM - 5:00PM
Wed   8:00AM - 5:00PM
Thu    8:00AM - 5:00PM
Fri      8:00AM - 1:00PM *Not available for General Dentistry
Dimos Dental & Facial Aesthetics is now located on the corner of Collins Street & Queen Street in the Melbourne CBD.

Practice Location

Dimos Dental & Facial Aesthetics is located on the corner of Collins Street & Queen Street in the Melbourne CBD.


Take advantage of our subsidised $20 car parking special with Bond Street Car Park.

The carpark is located at 16-20 Bond Street and only a short 4-minute walk to our practice.

The capped parking fee of $20 is to be paid for at the Dimos Dental reception desk at the end of your dental appointment and in turn you will receive a validated parking ticket. 

Please note: This offer is not associated with any other car parking facilities. Alternatively, there are a variety of metered street parks near to the practice, however please keep in mind the duration of your dental appointment(s) when selecting a park.

Disabled Access

Our building has an accessibility lift installed immediately beside the front staircase on Collins Street. It has a simple push button design, however, if you have any concerns working the lift or if you require any assistance, please don't hesitate to call our reception and a staff member will be down to help. 

Transport Options


The closest train station to Dimos Dental is Flinders Street Station, which is a 5 minute walk.


  • Tram Stops 1 & 2 on Elizabeth Street (Trams 19, 57 and 59)

  • Tram Stop 5 on Collins Street (Trams 11, 12, 48 and 109)


  • If you require a Taxi at the end of your visit, please inform our reception staff at check out and we will be happy to make this call for you.

  • Alternatively, our closest Taxi rank is located at 357 Collins St

  • For further Taxi information Visit 13Cabs Website, or call 13 2227.

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